
Humanism is a non-religious, ethical philosophy which emphasizes

  • a strong ethical way of thinking
  • and emphasis on Human Rights
  • deep concern for the environment and
  • a commitment to treat all people equally, with respect and compassion

A Humanist works toward creating a more humane and responsible world, with a commitment to reason and compassion. Does this sound like you? Perhaps you’re a Humanist too.

If you agree with the following sentiments, it is likely that you are.

  • Morality is a challenge to be figured out by human beings from experience and our interactions with others
  • Compassion, empathy and reason are a natural guide to deciding right from wrong:  we are responsible to ourselves and to each other to do what’s right
  • Reason is a useful and powerful tool for solving problems, and the methods of science help us understand ourselves and the universe we live in

This is just a sampling of humanist statements. If you would like to learn more about Humanism, please visit the Ontario Humanist Society’s website.